Friday, June 29, 2012

LOTS of Happenings~ Jun29'12


Sooo much has happened since my last post after the Baby shower & Bed rest.... Our lil miracle baby Blakely Joyce Bodner was born on April 10, 2012 at 4:13PM weighing 4.15 lbs and 18 in long at 33 wks gestation. She was a Huge surprise!!

   During my bed rest the only way I could get comfortable is if I slept on the hard floor. I had such bad backaches! I woke up early Tuesday morning around 7AM stood up and Whoosh, my water broke! It was the 2nd day of my husbands new job all the way in Louisville an hour and 15min away from our house :-/ I called him and he had just parked at work and had to go in and tell his new boss that he had to leave... Whoops! My parents had just returned to NC the day before from their Spring Break in KY.. Sooo I called to tell them not to bother unpacking and to turn around and make that same trip they had just made 24 hrs prior! What a mess!! Blakely wasn't going to wait any longer!!!

~Bonding time with our daughter shortly after Birth

   I got myself ready, picked up my packed hospital bag and drove my new car to the hospital (which I had only driven a handful of times since we bought it b/c of my bed rest)~ Checked in, contractions quickly got closer together and 7 hrs later our Angel was born! I was able to hold her for 1 minute before she was sent to the NICU for the next 10 torture filled days :( They kept her hooked up to all types of monitors.. her breathing was fine from the beginning (we could tell that from the loud screams shortly after birth), but she had jaundice, feeding problems, and slight anemia. After all that was taken care of we got to bring her home on April 21st at 7PM.  For the first few nights we worried so much about her and she was sooo tiny, we let her sleep in her snug carseat right by us for a few nights. Then we spoiled her by letting her sleep right by us ALL the time. We've been able to get her use to the playpen, but the crib is definitely a work in progress!

~Mother and Daughter hanging out on Maternity Leave

  I was able to be on Maternity leave for 9 wonderful wks for QT with the beautiful Blakely. The doc recommended she not go out in public for the next several weeks b/c she was so preemie, so we spent all of our time snuggling in the house, reading, listening to music and catching up on tv shows; oh and of course napping as much as possible! The first few wks she always slept, but then she got to a pt when she loved sleeping during the day and never sleeping at night! Were working on that and she's getting better, now at 11 wks :)

~Day she was Blessed 5-20-12

~1 yr Anniversary (top of Wedding Cake!)

  We have slowly been introducing her to this world by attending summer cookouts, all the time diaper runs to Kroger, and Sundays at Church where she was blessed at 5 wks 5 days old :)) A couple days I had to run and do things that I couldn't take her to (get my hair done, attend a funeral, and have our 1st night out just the 2 of us for our 1 yr Wedding Anniversary when she was 1 mo and 4 days old!!!) so my lovely Mother in law so graciously watched her! And so thankful to my wonderful sister who was able to watch her on our 1st night out with friends when she was almost 2 mo.'s old. And to our other amazing babysitter, Ma Dukes, who is watching her 3 days a week while my husband and I go to work until Aug. when she goes back to work~

~Dimples at 4 wks

  Now our daughter is 11 wks 3 days old and perfectly healthy! She has received her 2 mo immunization shots and had a weight chk doc appt yesterday and she has gotten up to 8.45lbs! We are thrilled!!! Her milestones will be slightly delayed since she is really only supposed to be 4 wks and 1 day old right now, but the doc said keep her socialized and she’ll be just fine!
  John Paul and I were both able to celebrate our 1st Mother and Father's day with our incredible lil girl :) We have been so blessed to find eachother after 10 yrs, get married 2 yrs later and have our miracle baby 1 yr after that!! Never imagined my life could be so full of all this happiness! Ecstatic to wake up everyday and live this life I live :)) So anxious to see what the future brings!
  With all these remarkable things happening in our lives, I hope to be able to post again soon! XO