Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 2013~

20 wks 5 days

Soooo glad it's finally SUMMER! I am now 29 weeks pregnant, into the 3rd trimester and on countdown for the next 11.. if all goes right and he's stays in there that long?! I'm still in shock that we are expecting a baby boy! Not sure I know what to do with a boy? Beckett John is already so active in my belly, I'm sure we will have our hands full with him and our 1.5 yr old :) At my last appt (28 wks) I had my glucose test that came back normal and his heartbeat was 143, measuring a week ahead of due date~

28 wks 3 days

  At the end of April we had a lil scare when I woke up with a stomach bug and couldn't stop throwing up! I called my OB and she told me to immediately come to the hospital b/c dehydration is a big cause for preterm labor... which she knew I already went through. I was admitted in the morning and was released that afternoon after getting an IV of fluids, nausea meds, and Terbutaline shot because I was having slight contractions :-/ Now over a month later all is good. He's healthy and so am I! Now I start having appointments every 2 weeks.

Couple of my Mother's Day gifts

  We recently celebrated Mother's Day, my 2nd. My husband and daughter made it the best one yet! ;) With gifts, crafts and my favorite dinner.
  JP has started his new job in Lexington, and I am thrilled he is so close! We have started a Fri. tradition where we take each other to lunch as well as carpool together 3-4 times a week :-D I love getting this extra time together! He's also starting Grad school in the Fall to get his Masters of Public Administration! So proud of him :) We celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary May 14th... we were way overdue for a date night!

2 yr anniversary 24 wks pregnant

  We were also able to have a lil vacay down to east coast NC to visit my parents and the beach! I wish we could have stayed longer, because we had a blast! Blakely LOVED the ocean. We spent time at the AB, Cape lookout, Emerald Isle Waterpark and downtown New Bern. Cape Lookout was where JP & I went when we were kids, where he proposed and took our daughter all on Memorial wknd! It's hard leaving sometimes. I miss NC and my parents.  But they will be up here mid-June til end of August! My Mom has agreed to watch Blakely all summer instead of her going to Daycare.

Atlantic Beach and Emerald Isle Waterpark, NC

Blakely had her 1st surgery (minor). She has had 7 ear infections, so it was about time we got her ear tubes! She did great before, but when we woke her up she was rather out of it and cranky. After she woke up a little we took her to Krispy Kreme to get her a lil doughnut treat :)) After that and a looong nap she was back to being ole Blakely running around the house getting into everything!

Before Ear tube surgery
  Now that it is becoming crunch time.. we have finally picked out paint colors for baby boy's nursery! We moved our office to combine it with the guestroom, which turned out great! We really need to get on the ball with the nursery, especially if I have another preemie!!

Blakely at 14 months

Lil update on our 14 month old daughter Blakely: She eats EVERYTHING, but her favorite is Animal Crackers. If she sees them or hears the name she gets sooo excited! She is starting to use sign language more, which is really helpful because ever since she started walking at 13 months her talking has taken a back seat. She is stacking toys, climbing on things and tormenting our dog. She has discovered how to squeeze her hand between the child proof locks on the cabinets :-/ She still LOVES being outside and swimming in the pool. Unfortunately we have to use ear plugs with the ear tubes which is not fun!

Long Day of Play at the park, Lawrenceburg KY
Brass Band Festival, Danville KY

We have enjoyed our summer so far! Attending Festivals, cookouts, picnics, baseball games, the fair, and any other excuse we can make to get outdoors! I'm hoping to get another post up before our son gets here! :) Happy Summer!

How we announced the name JP picked!

Friday, April 19, 2013

~Bodner update 4-2013

 Well I am definitely slacking on this blog… been way to long! A lot has happened since November~
To start off Daddy got a great bday surprise mid-Dec. as he opened his gift one morning before work :) 
Daddy's Bday gift
 We are expecting a baby 9-1-13!!! We found out at 16 wks that we will be expecting a BOY! We are thrilled to have 1 of each!! I had an idea it may be a boy because this pregnancy is complete opposite as it was with our girl. This one I switched sweets for fried chicken, no morning sickness, my belly took forever to pop out, my hair is dry instead of oily, and the weight gain hasn’t been as fast as it was with our girl. I am now 20 weeks and 5 days. We get to see our little boy again today! He’s a little bigger than the size of a banana.

baby #2 lil boy at 16 wks 2 days

   We are going into this one a lot more cautiously than we did with our 1st child. Now that we know I have a history of premature births, I have to undergo Progesterone shots weekly from 17-37 wks gestation :-/ Soo every Friday morning a nurse visits me at work to deliver this pleasant injection :( The good thing is I get to hear baby boy’s heartbeat every week too!
Progesterone is something pregnant women already produce I just get a double dose to make sure Baby #2 stays in past the 32 wk mark where I experienced preterm labor last time. The doctor told us that the only side effect is I will be more emotional X10.. which thrilled my husband! LOL

Bodner Christmas 2012
  Blakely got to experience her 1st Christmas and our 2nd as a married couple! It basically involved stuffing wrapping paper and tape in her mouth, but we all enjoyed watching her do it! The next holiday was New years which we spent with our friends at our house. Then Valentines and St. Patrick’s day, where B got to create fun projects at daycare that we have hanging all over our house. Then the most recent was Easter. She enjoyed trying to stuff the plastic eggs in her mouth, as Daddy and I enjoyed eating all her candy she can’t have yet ;)  
Bodner Easter 2013 at Vernons

B Easter 2013

  Right after Easter we spent a few days in a cabin in Pigeon Forge, TN with my in-laws and parents. We had a great time dining out, shopping, playing putt putt and going to the aquarium!

Ripleys Aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN Apr2013
  Then the following weekend was Blakely Joyce’s 1st Birthday Party at Anderson Co. Park in Lawrenceburg. We all had a great time helping her celebrate with family and friends. And she REALLY enjoyed her giant cupcake Daddy made her :)

  She got great gifts from clothes, to bath toys, to activity centers, and swimsuits! Speaking of swimsuits this was an “asked for gift” because Blakely recently starting Parent/Baby swim lessons at the YMCA in Frankfort. She is in love with the water! We thought she would be because she loves bath time so much. She immediately tried to swim out of my arms to a toy floating in the middle of the pool. She practices splashing, kicking, blowing bubbles, completely submerging her head, and jumping in. It’s a great activity for her and her pregnant mommy! LOL 
B's 1st swim lesson Apr2013

  Blakely is slowly but surely starting to catch up from preemie stage to where she should be. She is 19.5 lbs. 14 percentile & 28 in. 30 percentile. She is crawling, standing on her own, walks while holding onto something, says “Dada, Mama, Baba, Nana, Ugh Oh, Ow, Dog”, dances along to music, and eats EVERYTHING in sight. Now that she is passed 12 mo.’s we have gotten the green light to give her anything we are eating, so we have! When we have food she crawls to it as fast as possible! We have mostly switched to whole milk (still giving formula here and there). She has 2 bottom teeth and the 2 top teeth are starting to press through her gums. She has also moved up to the toddler class at daycare so she is beginning to be introduced to a whole new world with the bigger kids!

  We are still loving our house, which we moved into last Sept. and very slowly making progress on decorating it. With our busy lives we have slacked on the interior decorating lately. We live in a wonderful neighborhood with great neighbors that always give us toy hammy downs which is filling up our house… but we will greatly appreciate it when we have 2 little ones sharing toys ;) My husband has been at his current job for a little over a year commuting 50 min there and back. He recently accepted a job starting in May in Lexington, right down the street from where I work!!! I am so excited that we are going to be close and he doesn’t have to spend such a large portion of his day commuting!
  Everything at the Bodner house is staying busy and come August will only get busier! We are trying to enjoy these last few months with Blakely as our 1 and only, spoiling her rotten (which I’m not sure is a good thing :-/ ). Our baby boy will be here before we know it, and we have sooo much to do before his arrival. Until next time… enjoy springtime and God bless :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

~Ending of Fall: Nov '12

Boyd Orchard Versailles, KY 10/5/12
Well... I said I would try to keep up with this blog monthly, but with the baby, work, the hubby, new house & Life, it's been over 3 months since my last post! :-/

Since then we have bought and moved into our new house in Lawrenceburg, KY (our middle town so we both have the same distance commuting to work)! I love our new home!! It's 4 bedroom 2 baths double back porch with fenced in backyard backed up to a farm in a cute little neighborhood; perfect for our growing family :-) There's not a whole lot to do in the little town of Lawrenceburg, but at least it has a Wal-mart! lol We have pretty much finished unpacking the big stuff... but have yet to put a dent in decorating~ My goal is to have it all at least 80% decorated by the new year... hopefully! Speaking of new things... there's a new addition to the Bodner Family............ a pound puppy named Bama!!

Taking Bama home from pound 10/6/12

My husband talked me into just "looking" at the humane society to see what dog we could get in the "future". Well I should have known what was up his sleeve! He talked me into saving a little beagle/heeler/coon hound mutt that was about 5 months old and a sweetheart! We've discovered she is hyperactive and loves Blakely. She's a handful, but we love her :) My hubbi was also finally able to trade in my old red dodge car for a small SUV (which we really needed!)

Bodner Fam Sept '12 Atlantic Beach NC

B's 1st time touching saltwater 9/20/12
 We took our 1st Family Vacay to Havelock, NC to visit my parents Sept 19, 2012. We also went so we could attend my old roomates wedding in Raleigh, congrats Faith! Blakely had her 1st beach experience, where she played in the sand and water :) She also loved spending time with her Mimi and Pop Pop!

all smiles at her 2nd day on the beach 9/21/12
Blakely has already had a big change in her short life: The Daycare change! She spent 3 wonderful months at Kids R Kids in Lexington, KY. We were in love with this place, especially the people. But with me commuting with her, and my husband and I working from home 2 days a week, it just made more sense to move her to a daycare close to home. She has been at the Lawrenceburg Daycare for a couple weeks and she seems to really be adjusting well! They have 3 babies in her class, rather than the 15 that were at the other place. So she gets a lot more 1 on 1 attention~ I am so grateful we have gotten so lucky with Daycares!!!

sign from old daycare 1st day at new daycare 11/13/12
6 month photos 10/10/12
Our lil Blakely Joyce is now 7 months and 2 weeks old. She is growing like a weed and has tripled her birth weight. She is now 14 lbs and 26 inches long. She is starting to get some budding teeth, so her cranky side comes out a lot more often! She is full of personality and an attention getter! Her last few daily progress report from daycare said, "Very engaged in mirror time. She really loves looking at herself!" haha she's a DIVA!

7 months 11/10/12
She loves blowing bubbles, chewing on her pacy, sitting up by herself, tummy time, laughing hysterically at our new dog Bama, bouncing in her jumperoo, pulling down her hairbow, grabbing hair peoples faces and earrings, eating all kinds of pureed baby food, playing in the "big girl bath" and is always scared of missing something going on, she fights sleep as much as possible! With being around all the kids at daycare, I feel like she has stayed sick the past few months. Between colds, sinus infections, and a horrible stomach bug that put her in the ER to get an IV for dehydration. One of the worst nights of all of our lives :(

ER to get IV for stomach bug 9/30/12

Blakely has experienced her 1st Halloween! At the beginning of October we went to the Louisville Zoo for a Halloween celebration then we went trick or treating at a church in Perryville, KY with her cousins.

1st Halloween Oct '12

This week she has attended 1 Thanksgiving already at her Aunt Vicki's and will be attending 2 more at the Vernons and our house for the Sheltons! There are so many more 1st's to come... I can't wait to experience all of them with her!
comforting teething Landon 11/17/12 Thanksgiving at Aunt Vicki's

Hopefully it won't take me 3 months to post again!! XO :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bodner Update Aug 6 '12

   Mind boggling that I moved from NC to KY exactly 3 yrs ago! Soo many wonderful changes since Aug. 2009 :)
Last night in NC b4 moving to KY with the boys & truck full~
Ecstatic we get to visit NC Mid-Sept! Get to attend my friends wedding in Raleigh and visit old friends as well as see my parents & the BEACH!! Oh how I've missed all of those~ It will be our 1st lil Family Vacay & B's 1st trip to the beach :) I can't wait!!
  Our lil darling will be 17 weeks tomorrow! (well according to her due date & the doc she's only 10 wks) The doctor told us to go by her original May 27th due date until after she turns 1. She has her 4 mo. appt this Friday with shots :( Daddy is coming this time since Mommy had an emotional moment at her 2 mo.shots. My husband has been Such a great Dad!!
I knew with all his nephews and niece he had a lot of practice, but he still surprises me with his Daddy moments :) I've had numerous people comment on how great he is with our daughter... & I'm so thankful! All summer Blakely has been in Daddy Daycare 2 days a week while he works from home. He has been fantastic & B is so in love with him!! Everyone tells him he can't deny her because they look sooo much alike~ I guess Mommy had nothing to do with it ;)
Since my last post we had Family photos made at 11 wks. 1st attempt B cried the WHOLE time... then right when we left we went out to eat and she fell right to sleep... of Course! So we came back a week later for attempt #2 and she was Much Better!! (She runs the show) She has already created MANY memories for her Dad and I. I just wish the Hospital Photography didn't mess up her newborn photos b/c we weren't able to get professional ones done until end of June! :-/
At least we have many home photos that we've taken ;)

Now at almost 4 months Blakely is so much more alert and full of smiles :)) JP and I just sit for hours trying to get her to show her pretty grin. And each and every one warms our hearts <3 She has also created her 'own B language' with "oohs" & "awws". We ask questions and she answers! She also celebrated her 1st Holiday: 4th of July with Fireworks in Versailles! (well she slept through the We have also recently started a Savings Acct for our daughter for that "College Savings Plan" that is going to come sooner than we want :( We both have a true obsession with this baby girl. She is definitely our whole world.

July 4th
As well as working to be the best parents we can be, we have
also tried to have Mommy and Daddy QT. My mom and sister watched B
so we could take a day trip to Kings Island!
We had a blast and were so thankful they could watch her!

She LOVES all of her family & I'm sure she will miss her time with MiMi (my mom)
when she goes back to NC in 2 wks. On a side note... I have compared B's 1 & 2 month pics with her 3 month and she doesn't even look like the same baby! She has gotten so much bigger :) This Friday she will take her 4 month pics and she has even changed since July! People always say 'cherish every moment with your children b/c it goes by so quick'... I am starting to know the feeling! I am also starting to understand the craziness Moms talk about on a daily basis: Spitting up, dirty diapers (BM's), tummy time, and any other odd disgusting thing their baby does! I've found myself right in the mix!! I have also discovered 'Baby First' channel with Early Bloomers shows. I stumbled upon this and caught Blakely in awe gazing at the television! Never even thought she could be interested in TV this young! It's hours of colors, shapes, animals, numbers, Spanish and much more! We <3 it!
Think she is starting to get use to a camera Always being in her face. Here are some pics we took when visiting my Husbands grandparents. Those spontaneous photoshoots always turn out the best :) 7/28/12 15 wks 4 days. Until next time XO

Friday, June 29, 2012

LOTS of Happenings~ Jun29'12


Sooo much has happened since my last post after the Baby shower & Bed rest.... Our lil miracle baby Blakely Joyce Bodner was born on April 10, 2012 at 4:13PM weighing 4.15 lbs and 18 in long at 33 wks gestation. She was a Huge surprise!!

   During my bed rest the only way I could get comfortable is if I slept on the hard floor. I had such bad backaches! I woke up early Tuesday morning around 7AM stood up and Whoosh, my water broke! It was the 2nd day of my husbands new job all the way in Louisville an hour and 15min away from our house :-/ I called him and he had just parked at work and had to go in and tell his new boss that he had to leave... Whoops! My parents had just returned to NC the day before from their Spring Break in KY.. Sooo I called to tell them not to bother unpacking and to turn around and make that same trip they had just made 24 hrs prior! What a mess!! Blakely wasn't going to wait any longer!!!

~Bonding time with our daughter shortly after Birth

   I got myself ready, picked up my packed hospital bag and drove my new car to the hospital (which I had only driven a handful of times since we bought it b/c of my bed rest)~ Checked in, contractions quickly got closer together and 7 hrs later our Angel was born! I was able to hold her for 1 minute before she was sent to the NICU for the next 10 torture filled days :( They kept her hooked up to all types of monitors.. her breathing was fine from the beginning (we could tell that from the loud screams shortly after birth), but she had jaundice, feeding problems, and slight anemia. After all that was taken care of we got to bring her home on April 21st at 7PM.  For the first few nights we worried so much about her and she was sooo tiny, we let her sleep in her snug carseat right by us for a few nights. Then we spoiled her by letting her sleep right by us ALL the time. We've been able to get her use to the playpen, but the crib is definitely a work in progress!

~Mother and Daughter hanging out on Maternity Leave

  I was able to be on Maternity leave for 9 wonderful wks for QT with the beautiful Blakely. The doc recommended she not go out in public for the next several weeks b/c she was so preemie, so we spent all of our time snuggling in the house, reading, listening to music and catching up on tv shows; oh and of course napping as much as possible! The first few wks she always slept, but then she got to a pt when she loved sleeping during the day and never sleeping at night! Were working on that and she's getting better, now at 11 wks :)

~Day she was Blessed 5-20-12

~1 yr Anniversary (top of Wedding Cake!)

  We have slowly been introducing her to this world by attending summer cookouts, all the time diaper runs to Kroger, and Sundays at Church where she was blessed at 5 wks 5 days old :)) A couple days I had to run and do things that I couldn't take her to (get my hair done, attend a funeral, and have our 1st night out just the 2 of us for our 1 yr Wedding Anniversary when she was 1 mo and 4 days old!!!) so my lovely Mother in law so graciously watched her! And so thankful to my wonderful sister who was able to watch her on our 1st night out with friends when she was almost 2 mo.'s old. And to our other amazing babysitter, Ma Dukes, who is watching her 3 days a week while my husband and I go to work until Aug. when she goes back to work~

~Dimples at 4 wks

  Now our daughter is 11 wks 3 days old and perfectly healthy! She has received her 2 mo immunization shots and had a weight chk doc appt yesterday and she has gotten up to 8.45lbs! We are thrilled!!! Her milestones will be slightly delayed since she is really only supposed to be 4 wks and 1 day old right now, but the doc said keep her socialized and she’ll be just fine!
  John Paul and I were both able to celebrate our 1st Mother and Father's day with our incredible lil girl :) We have been so blessed to find eachother after 10 yrs, get married 2 yrs later and have our miracle baby 1 yr after that!! Never imagined my life could be so full of all this happiness! Ecstatic to wake up everyday and live this life I live :)) So anxious to see what the future brings!
  With all these remarkable things happening in our lives, I hope to be able to post again soon! XO